TPD Denial Insights

2 min. readlast update: 03.28.2024

Understanding TPD Claim Denials: Insights & Solutions

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance is a critical support for those who can't work due to severe illness or injury. Understanding why TPD claims are sometimes denied is key to navigating these challenges. This guide aims to illuminate common reasons for claim denials and potential steps forward.

  1. Insufficient Medical Evidence: A leading cause for TPD claim denials is inadequate medical documentation. Insurers demand detailed medical records that convincingly demonstrate the claimant's disability and the resulting inability to work.
  2. Policy Definitions Not Met: TPD policies vary, with some requiring the inability to work in any occupation matching the claimant's skills and education, while others focus on the usual occupation. Your claim may face denial if your condition doesn't align with your policy's specific TPD definition.
  3. Non-disclosure Issues: Insurance applications require full disclosure of pre-existing conditions and other relevant health details. Non-disclosure or inaccurate information at this stage can lead to claim denial.
  4. Premature Claim Lodging: Many TPD policies stipulate a waiting period before you can lodge a claim. Submitting a claim before this period ends can result in denial.
  5. Exclusions in the Policy: Policies often outline certain exclusions like self-inflicted injuries or specific pre-existing conditions. Claims falling under these exclusions are typically denied.

Encountering a claim denial can be disheartening, but it's not necessarily the end of the road. There are often options to appeal or challenge a denial, particularly if it's related to policy interpretation or the assessment of medical evidence.

At Claimsplus Lawyers, we understand how stressful a denied TPD claim can be. Our team is equipped to assist you in reviewing the denial, exploring your options for appeal, and providing the support and guidance needed to navigate this complex process. Contact us for expert advice and advocacy if you're facing a TPD claim denial.

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