Tax Considerations in Early Super Release

2 min. readlast update: 09.01.2024

Addressing Tax Implications of Early Super Access for Medical Needs 

Gaining early access to superannuation funds for medical reasons is a critical decision, and while Claimsplus Lawyers does not provide tax advice, understanding the potential tax implications is essential. This briefing aims to outline the general tax considerations you should be aware of.

General Tax Aspects of Early Superannuation Withdrawal:

  • Varied Tax Rates: The amount withdrawn from superannuation for medical purposes might be subject to tax, which depends on factors such as your age and the composition of your super (taxable and tax-free components).
  • Composition of Superannuation: Your super consists of a taxable component and a tax-free component. Generally, the tax-free component is not subject to tax upon withdrawal, whereas the taxable part might be.
  • Age Influences Taxation: If you withdraw from your super before reaching the preservation age, the taxable component might incur a higher tax rate compared to withdrawals made after reaching preservation age but before turning 60.

Process and Tax Awareness:

  • Awareness During Application: When applying for early super release on medical grounds, it's important to be cognizant of the potential tax impacts. Claimsplus Lawyers recommends consulting with the ATO or a qualified tax professional for specific guidance.
  • The Importance of Professional Consultation: Given the financial implications, including tax, of accessing your super funds early, it's crucial to seek advice from a qualified tax advisor or the ATO. They can provide specific insights into how the withdrawal may affect your tax situation.

Role of Claimsplus Lawyers: 

While Claimsplus Lawyers does not offer tax advice, we can guide you through the process of applying for early super release due to medical reasons. We can help clarify the necessary steps and documentation required for your application. For detailed tax advice, we recommend consulting with a tax professional or the ATO.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for Application Assistance: 

If you have questions about the application process for early superannuation release due to medical reasons or require assistance in understanding the general process, please contact Claimsplus Lawyers. Our team is here to support you in navigating the non-tax aspects of your superannuation claim effectively. 

Disclaimer: This website’s content is general in nature and should not be taken as legal advice. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Liability limited by a scheme under the Professional Standards Legislation.      
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