Summary of Available Support Services

2 min. readlast update: 09.12.2024

Support Services: Navigating Life’s Challenges

Navigating life's unexpected challenges can be overwhelming, but various services and organisations can assist you. Below is a summary of the different categories of help available:

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Need Help to Find Support Services in Australia

Ask Izzy provides a directory of 370,000 support services across Australia. Whether you need help with food, housing, bills, or emotional support, Ask Izzy can guide you to a nearby resource.

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Need Help to Find Support Services in Australia

State and territory governments can provide temporary emergency accommodation if you face homelessness or a housing crisis. Help with rental bonds may also be available.

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Icon showing a food charity  

Need Help With Food and Bills

Charities and community organisations offer emergency relief services. These services include food vouchers, transport vouchers, clothing, part-payment of utility bills, and help with back-to-school costs.

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More About Mental Health Services  

Need Emotional Assistance

If you're dealing with mental health challenges, numerous organisations, including Lifeline, Beyond Blue, and the Black Dog Institute, can provide support. Remember, you're not alone in this journey.

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Law Council Of Australia  

Need Legal Services

Contact us for Super Claim services or other legal needs; the Law Society Referrals Services in your state or territory offer free referrals to lawyers and firms specialising in your area of need.

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myGov Logo With Services  

Access Government Assistance Benefits

Services such as Centrelink, run by the Australian Government, provide various payments to eligible individuals, including income support and crisis payments. These programs offer support during financial distress, unemployment, or other life changes. 

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No Interest Loans Logo  

No Interest Loans (NILS) by Good Shepherd

NILS, managed by Good Shepherd, lets you borrow up to $2,000 for essential goods and services with no fees or interest and up to $3000 for housing-related expenses such as bond or rent-in-advance or recovery from a natural disaster.

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For any queries or assistance, contact Claimsplus Lawyers. We're ready to assist you.

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