Strategies for Declined Super Claims

2 min. readlast update: 04.16.2024

Guidance on Declined Superannuation Claims

Facing a declined superannuation claim can be discouraging, but it's important to remember that this isn't always the final outcome. At Claimsplus Lawyers, we guide clients through the options available when their claim is initially declined.

Understand the Reason for Denial

The first action after receiving notice of a declined claim is to clarify the reasons behind the decision. Insurers are required to provide explicit reasons for denial, whether due to insufficient medical evidence, non-disclosure issues, policy exclusions, or other factors. Reviewing these reasons thoroughly is critical to gauge the feasibility of contesting the decision.

Requesting a Review

If you believe there's been a misunderstanding or an error, requesting a review of the decision is your next step. This involves the insurer re-examining your claim, during which you may present additional evidence or explanations to address any issues identified in the initial assessment.

Lodging a Complaint

Should the outcome of the internal review be unsatisfactory, you can escalate the matter by lodging a complaint with an external dispute resolution body, such as the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA offers an impartial platform to review your claim and the insurer’s decision.

Considering Legal Action

If the dispute resolution process does not result in a favourable outcome, legal action may be the next course of action. This significant step requires the guidance and representation of a legal professional specializing in insurance and superannuation law.

Expert Support from Claimsplus Lawyers

Navigating through a declined claim is often complex and can be overwhelming. At Claimsplus Lawyers, we are equipped to provide expert assistance throughout this process. Our team can help you understand the rationale behind the claim denial, prepare for a review, and advise on further steps, including whether to lodge a complaint or pursue legal action.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for Assistance

If you’re facing the challenges of a declined superannuation claim, contact Claimsplus Lawyers. We are committed to offering you the expertise and support necessary to navigate this process, ensuring you have the best possible chance of overturning the decision. Contact us to discuss your situation and explore your options.

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