Qualifying Illnesses for Super Terminal Claims

2 min. readlast update: 08.20.2024

Understanding Medical Conditions Eligible for Terminal Illness Claims in Superannuation 

For individuals considering a superannuation terminal illness claim, it's crucial to recognise which medical conditions qualify. Claimsplus Lawyers provides an extensive guide to clarify eligible illnesses.

Illnesses That May Qualify for a Claim:

  • Broad Criteria: Terminal illness claims in superannuation are not limited to specific diseases. Eligibility extends to any medical condition that leads to a life expectancy of less than 24 months.
  • Common Examples: While a range of illnesses can qualify, frequently encountered conditions include advanced cancer, motor neuron disease, and certain progressive neurological disorders.
  • Individual Assessment: It’s important to note that eligibility is determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the unique circumstances and prognosis of the individual member.

Essential Factors in Determining Eligibility:

  • Requirement for Medical Certification: Independent certification from two registered medical practitioners, including a specialist in the relevant illness, is mandatory for confirming the terminal nature of the condition.
  • Prognosis Variability: Some medical conditions may present differing outcomes among individuals. In these instances, each person's specific prognosis and medical evidence are critical in assessing eligibility.
  • Influence of Medical Advancements: The evolving nature of medical research and treatment can affect prognoses. Staying informed with the latest medical advice and knowledge is vital when considering a terminal illness claim.

Support from Claimsplus Lawyers: 

Determining which illnesses qualify for a superannuation terminal illness claim can be complex. At Claimsplus Lawyers, we are committed to guiding you through this detailed process. With its deep understanding of superannuation law and medical conditions, our team is prepared to offer insightful support. If you have questions about qualifying illnesses or require assistance with a terminal illness claim, Claimsplus Lawyers is here to assist.

For Expert Assistance, Contact Claimsplus Lawyers: 

Should you have any inquiries or need additional support regarding terminal illness claims in superannuation, please contact Claimsplus Lawyers. Our team is dedicated to helping you understand and manage the intricacies of your superannuation claim with expert proficiency. 

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