Preservation Age in Terminal Illness Claims

2 min. readlast update: 02.09.2024

Understanding the Role of Preservation Age in Terminal Illness Claims 

In the realm of superannuation, the concept of preservation age is important, but its impact on terminal illness claims requires specific understanding. Claimsplus Lawyers provides an in-depth guide, highlighting our commitment to assisting clients on a pay-on-success basis.

Essential Insights into Preservation Age and Terminal Illness Claims:

  • No Age Limit for Access: Terminal illness claims are unique in superannuation, as they do not require reaching the preservation age. Eligibility is based on medical diagnosis and life expectancy, allowing for immediate access to super funds regardless of age.
  • Immediate Access to Funds: If you meet the medical criteria for a terminal illness claim, you can access your superannuation benefits right away, irrespective of your current age.

Key Considerations for Terminal Illness Claims:

  • Critical Medical Certification: Terminal illness claims hinge on robust medical evidence. Certification from two registered medical practitioners, including a specialist, is essential to establish the terminal nature of your condition.
  • Distinct from Retirement Claims: It's important to differentiate terminal illness claims from other types of superannuation withdrawals, such as retirement, which typically have age-related criteria.
  • Fund-Specific Requirements: Although preservation age is not a factor in terminal illness claims, each super fund may have its own set of documentation needs and processing guidelines. Familiarise yourself with these specifics for a smooth claim process.

Support from Claimsplus Lawyers: 

Navigating terminal illness claims in relation to preservation age can be complex. Claimsplus Lawyers, working on a pay-on-success basis, is dedicated to offering clear and effective guidance throughout this process. Our expertise in superannuation law ensures that you receive comprehensive support tailored to your needs.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for Personalised Assistance: 

For inquiries or specialised help regarding terminal illness claims and preservation age in superannuation, contact Claimsplus Lawyers. Our team is ready to assist you, offering our services on a pay-on-success model, ensuring you have access to expert legal support with the assurance of success-based payment. 

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