Expert Super Claim Help

2 min. readlast update: 08.21.2024

Comprehensive Superannuation Claims Services

At Claimsplus Lawyers, we specialize in efficiently handling a range of superannuation claims, focusing on resolving your case swiftly and with minimal stress. We aim to minimise the impact on your life while securing the benefits you are entitled to.

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Claims

Our team provides comprehensive guidance for TPD claims, assisting you in securing benefits for permanent disabilities that hinder your ability to work, and ensuring a smooth and supportive process.

Income Protection (IP) Claims

If illness or injury has affected your earning capacity, we are here to help you with IP claims. Our expertise ensures you receive the necessary support and compensation during this challenging time.

Terminal Illness Claims

In the face of terminal illness, our sensitive and specialized assistance makes the process of accessing your superannuation early as straightforward and compassionate as possible.

Death Benefits Claims

We extend our services to include assistance with death benefits claims, providing essential support in securing funds from superannuation following the passing of a loved one.

Trauma Claims

Our experts are equipped to assist with trauma claims, focusing on securing your entitlements in the event of severe injuries or illnesses that have a significant impact on your life.

Early Superannuation Medical Release

We guide you meticulously through early superannuation withdrawals for medical reasons, ensuring you fully understand the process and meet all the criteria.

Expanding Horizons for Diverse Super Claims

Our scope at Claimsplus Lawyers is ever-expanding. We encourage you to contact us if you require support for a superannuation claim not specifically mentioned here. We are committed to guiding you to the right solution or resources.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for Expert Support

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for inquiries or to discuss your superannuation claim. Our dedicated team is ready to provide you with confidential, expert advice tailored to your situation.


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