Direct TPD Claims

2 min. readlast update: 04.16.2024

Direct TPD Claims Through Your Super Fund: Insights from Claimsplus Lawyers

When considering a Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claim directly through your superannuation fund, weighing the benefits and challenges is important. Claimsplus Lawyers offers an insightful overview to aid you in making an informed decision.

Benefits of Direct TPD Claims with Your Super Fund

  1. No Additional Legal Fees: Filing a TPD claim directly with your super fund means you won't incur the professional fees usually associated with engaging lawyers or claim specialists.
  2. Direct Involvement: Managing your claim personally ensures direct communication with your super fund, giving you a sense of control and direct involvement in the claims process.
  3. Potential for Quicker Resolution: In simpler cases, the absence of third-party involvement can lead to a more expedient resolution of your claim.

Challenges of Direct TPD Claims with Your Super Fund

  1. The complexity of the Claims Process: The process of filing a TPD claim can be complex, involving detailed paperwork and a deep understanding of legal and insurance terms, which can be overwhelming without prior experience.
  2. Risk of Reduced Payout: Without the expertise of a professional, you might not fully realise all the benefits you are entitled to, potentially leading to a lower payout.
  3. Increased Risk of Claim Denial: If a claim is not properly prepared and presented, there's a higher likelihood of it being rejected, potentially resulting in lost time and benefits.
  4. Emotional and Physical Stress: Handling a TPD claim while dealing with an illness or injury can be emotionally and physically taxing, especially if the process becomes protracted or contentious.

How Claimsplus Lawyers Can Assist

Claimsplus Lawyers can connect you with experienced claim specialists who can significantly increase the chances of a successful TPD claim. Our experts can assist you by:

  • Guiding you through the complexities of the TPD claim process.
  • Providing advice on necessary documentation and evidence.
  • Ensuring effective representation of your claim.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers for Expert Guidance

For any questions or assistance with your TPD claim, Claimsplus Lawyers is here to support you. We are committed to guiding you through each step of your claim. Contact us for professional help tailored to your unique situation. 

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