Claimsplus: Navigating Health & Finance

2 min. readlast update: 07.15.2024

Navigate Early Super Access for Health Challenges

Life's unpredictability often brings health challenges that intersect with financial concerns. Many people may not realise that their superannuation funds offer a safety net accessible under certain conditions, such as medical emergencies or permanent incapacity. If you are in such a situation, Claimsplus Lawyers will guide you through accessing your super early.

Understanding Early Access: Medical and Permanent Incapacity

Situations like severe disability, terminal illness, specific medical treatments, or permanent incapacity to work can make you eligible for early release of your superannuation funds. At Claimsplus Lawyers, our experts simplify the process in these unique circumstances.

Real-Life Scenario:

Consider Jake’s story. An avid surfer, Jake suffered a life-altering accident that left him permanently disabled. Facing growing medical bills and the need for home modifications, he turned to Claimsplus Lawyers. Accessing his super early offered crucial financial support during his challenging recovery.

Other Grounds for Early Super Access

  • Financial Hardships: A viable option if you struggle to meet basic family needs.
  • Compassionate Grounds: This program helps cover medical treatments, palliative care, and funeral costs and prevent home foreclosure or disability-related modifications.
  • Leaving Australia: Temporary residents leaving Australia permanently may also qualify.
  • Approaching Retirement: You might access your super as you near retirement, subject to certain conditions.

The Claimsplus Lawyers Approach

Navigating the early release of super funds can be daunting. Here’s how we assist at Claimsplus Lawyers:

  • Clarifying Regulations: We break down complex rules and regulations for you.
  • Document Assistance: We help gather all necessary medical and other relevant documentation.
  • Continuous Support: Our team guides you at every step for a smooth experience.

Benefits of Early Super Access

Early release of your super can provide:

  • Vital financial relief for extensive medical costs.
  • Stability during health challenges or incapacity.
  • Funds for necessary modifications due to disability.

Contact Claimsplus Lawyers

Are health difficulties prompting you to consider early access to your super? Claimsplus Lawyers is ready to help. Engage with our team of experts to explore your options. Visit our contact page for more information.

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