Check Junk for Portal Invite

2 min. readlast update: 02.25.2024

We are excited for you to start using our Client Portal and make your claims process smooth and efficient. When you sign up for our services, you'll receive an email invitation to access the Claimsplus Client Portal.

However, sometimes emails can end up in your junk or spam folder instead of your main inbox, especially if it's the first time you're receiving an email from us. Here's how you can check your junk folder and ensure you receive our emails in your main inbox:

  1. Check Your Junk/Spam Folder: If you don't see our email in your main inbox, please check your junk or spam folder. The process may vary slightly depending on your email provider, but typically you can find this folder in the left-hand menu of your email interface.
  2. Find Our Email: Look for an email from with the subject line "Your Invitation to Claimfinder Client Portal."
  3. Move Email to Your Main Inbox: If you find our email in your junk or spam folder, you can move it to your main inbox to help your email provider understand that you want to receive our emails. Click or right-click the email and look for an option like "Not Junk," "Not Spam," or "Move to Inbox."
  4. Add Us to Your Contacts: To ensure future emails from Claimfinder go straight to your inbox, add our email address ( to your contacts or safe senders list. This tells your email provider that you trust our emails and want to receive them.

If you've followed these steps and still can't find our email, please contact us at or call us at 1800 252 460, and we'll assist you in accessing your Client Portal.  

Disclaimer: This website’s content is general in nature and should not be taken as legal advice. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Liability limited by a scheme under the Professional Standards Legislation.    
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