Beat TPD Claim Rejection

2 min. readlast update: 04.16.2024

Handling TPD Claim Rejections with Claimsplus Lawyers

Receiving a rejection letter for your Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claim from your superannuation fund or insurer is distressing and overwhelming. It's particularly challenging when you're already dealing with significant health issues that prompted you to file the claim in the first place.

At Claimsplus Lawyers, we recognise the effort and emotional investment involved in lodging a TPD claim. The process is often exhaustive, Whether due to a workplace injury, a chronic illness, or an unforeseen medical condition. You've likely gone through the steps of securing medical reports to confirm your inability to work, gathering statements from your employer, and submitting detailed personal records like tax returns and pharmaceutical benefits. And yet, you might face the discouraging reality of a claim rejection.

However, it's crucial to remember that an initial denial doesn't mark the end of your claim journey. Based on our experience, insurers sometimes make errors in their assessments. Requesting a review of their decision, which is your right, can lead to a different outcome.

Understanding the distinction between filing a complaint and requesting a decision review is key. The approach to this review is critical, as a well-structured appeal can prompt the insurer to reevaluate their initial decision.

Successfully challenging a TPD claim rejection involves several essential steps. A skilled claim specialist from Claimsplus Lawyers can assist you in:

  1. Analysing the Insurer’s Rationale: We help you understand why the insurer believes you can still work despite your condition.
  2. Policy Interpretation: We assess whether the insurer has accurately interpreted the terms of your insurance policy.
  3. Technicality Evaluation: We investigate if your claim denial is based on a technicality that can be contested.
  4. Trustees' Decision-Making Scrutiny: We review the Trustees' decision-making process managing your superannuation fund.

At Claimsplus Lawyers, we can provide you with the expertise needed to navigate this complex process. Our forte is understanding your rights and devising a strategic approach in light of the insurer's decision, the Trustees' involvement, and the intricacies of your insurance policy. Contact us for comprehensive support and expert guidance if you're facing a TPD claim denial. 

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