Ask Izzy: Support Service Guide

2 min. readlast update: 08.26.2024

Ask Izzy: Quick and Easy Access to Support

Knowing where to turn for help can be overwhelming during financial hardship or personal crises. You may need assistance with food, housing, bills, or someone to talk to - but where do you start? This is where Ask Izzy comes in.

What is Ask Izzy?

Ask Izzy is an Australia-wide directory designed to help you find the services you need when you need them. With over 370,000 support services listed, Ask Izzy provides access to crucial resources, including food, housing, healthcare, counselling, legal advice, and more.

Ask Izzy's easy-to-use interface allows you to search for services in your local area. It provides information on what's available, how to access it, and any associated costs.

How Can I Ask Izzy to Help Me?

Whether you're experiencing financial difficulties, dealing with a personal crisis, or in need of emotional support, Ask Izzy can connect you with appropriate services to help manage your situation.

You might be seeking:

  1. Food Assistance: Food banks, meal services, and charities.
  2. Housing Support: Emergency accommodation, low-cost housing options, and housing support services.
  3. Financial Help: Emergency relief services, financial counselling, and assistance with bills.
  4. Healthcare Services: Free or low-cost healthcare providers, mental health support, and disability services.
  5. Legal Aid: Legal advice centres, dispute resolution services, and advocacy support.
  6. Counselling and Mental Health Services: Crisis counselling, mental health services, and support groups.

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By simply entering your needs and location, Ask Izzy can provide a tailored list of services nearby that can assist. 

Do I Use Ask Izzy?

Using Ask Izzy is simple and free. Visit the Ask Izzy website, enter what you're looking for and your location, and explore the directory of services that can provide the support you need.

Ask Izzy Logo and Link to the Ask Izzy Website

Remember, it's okay to seek help. Ask Izzy is there to connect you with the resources you need, making a challenging time a little bit easier. At Claimsplus, we're also here to provide guidance and assistance, especially if you're dealing with super claims.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.  

Disclaimer: This website’s content is general in nature and should not be taken as legal advice. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Liability limited by a scheme under the Professional Standards Legislation.  
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